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The Frequent Causes of Car Breakdowns On Road

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It is absolutely distressing and annoying enough when you drive for miles away during the winter and your car suddenly breaks down in the midst of night. This is such a frequent cause when you do not check all the things secured or well-maintained. These causes of car breakdowns should come to understand among the driver before driving for miles away.
In dealing with it, below we provide you with the frequent causes of car breakdowns during your trip, so that you can do preventive maintenance in advance.

1.       Battery faulty
Out of major causes of car breakdowns during your trip is about the battery faulty. In this regard, poor electrical connection in the garage triggers the car stops working at once. To deal with it, what you have to do is to ask the mechanics to make sure that all connections are secured and clean from any possible rust that causes the corrosion. If you frequently have a trip for long distance, do not forget to recharge the battery overnight in every two weeks, so that your car will not break down.

2.       Problem on fueling
As you are about to go miles away with your car, ensure to check your fuel availability before you turn the machine on. It is very important to do so, when you notice the red light flashing as you are about running out the petrol. In this case, since you do not want to get your car break down in the middle of the journey, do understand about one of these causes of car breakdowns. Besides, as you regularly refuel your vehicle, it is strongly helpful to reduce the serious damage on your engine due to lack of fuel.

3.       Alternator faults
Have you ever experienced of the persistent battery faults? This may be one of the most frequent causes of car breakdowns. It can be seen when your headlights gets dimmer and the performance of your engine is slow down. If you notice about the increasing temperature of your engine followed by the ignition warning lights on, there is likely a serious problem on your alternator. This problem leads to the problem in dealing with the battery and the machine.

4.       Overheating on air condition
Some other causes of car breakdowns may be the overheating of the air condition. It is said that as the day turns hotter, you definitely turn on the air condition very often. But, this may lead to the car breakdowns so that you have to check the coolant regularly and make sure that your coolant has enough anti-freeze as well. If you do not understand about it, just have repairman to deal with it.

There are many causes of car breakdowns that driver should understand in attempt to avoid the damage of the machine. When you do understand about it, the machine of your car will last longer and your journey will be more enjoyable. So, be prepared before going for miles away.

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