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Apart from the engine condition
and all the components that come along with the new car, as a buyer, you have
to understand about the significant role of transmission on a car. In this
case, you have to understand what type of car you will purchase and the type of
transmission applied in the car. There are so many significant differences
between manual and automatic transmission as you purchase the new car.
Below we come together with their
significant differences you need to consider so that you will be able to
purchase the car as what you have long dreamed of.
1. The
significant differences between manual and automatic transmission based on the
way how the driver control the transmission. In this regard, the manual
transmission will ask the driver to take the advantages of the clutch when
changing the gears. It is totally different from the automatic transmission in
which the gears will automatically be adjusted with the help of the speed.
2. Out
of many differences between manual and automatic transmission, it is said that
in manual transmission, you will less gas and this is absolutely different from
the automatic transmission that needs more gas so that it greatly impacts to
the consumption of the fuel. Thus, consider to purchase between the manual or
automatic one, since it also affects to the budget as well.
3. When
you are driving with the manual transmission, you will need more control of the
car, so that to those who are not used to drive with the manual one, will feel
inconvenient. In line with the differences between manual and automatic
transmission, it is totally different from the automatic transmission that you
just need less control so that it gives promise to you about the convenient as
well as comfort. It is also said that when you are driving with the manual
transmission, you will need extra attention, since both your feet and hands
should work in balance.
4. It
is also different when we talk about the differences between manual and
automatic transmission in which you do not need to focus on both feet and
hands, since the major rule is occupied by the hands and the right leg.
5. The
differences between manual and automatic transmission is laid between the
prices. If you purchase the manual transmission car, you will be charged for
less money with the less prices on maintenance as well. But, if you purchase
the automatic transmission car, you are obliged to pay much money with the cost
for maintenance is high as well.
It talks
about preferences when we come to the differences between manual and automatic
transmission. In this case, to those who feel convenient with the manual
transmission are supposed to purchase that types and the rest may choose the
automatic one. To consider the budget is also important to purchase whether it
is manual or automatic one.
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