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10 Tips To Do Maintenance On Car Engine

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CARE2CAR- When someone decides to purchase the car, s/he has to pay a good attention on the condition of the machine regularly as what the tips to do maintenance on car engine suggest. As you follow the tips, this is strongly helpful to increase the life of your car for longer period of time. Below are tips to consider.

1.       Checking the air filter
The tips to do maintenance on car engine suggest us to change the filters in every 12 months or it is equivalent after 12,000 miles. If you ignore it, this will cause the problem in AC.

2.       Do inspection on tire pressure
Delaying to inspect the tire and the fluids cause the serious problem, since they are the main components that easily running out. Just set aside 10 minutes to check it.

3.       Do check the battery
Do clean up every time as you find the mineral around the battery since you absolutely never expect to be left stranded in the midst of night due to battery leakage or shortage.

4.       Do not forget to change the spark plugs
When you discover that your engine does not work properly, tips to do maintenance on car engine will ask you to inspect the spark plugs. Do change it when your car has run for 30,000 miles.

5.       Make sure to keep the balance and rotation of the tire
If you want your tire stays longer, what you need to do is to keep the tire balanced and rotated. This hinders you from the accidents or possible risks.

6.       Clean the windshield and do replace the wipers as well
The major cause of accident is the dirty windshield and the wipers. Thus, you have to clean it of the accumulated dirt on those parts.

7.       Serpentine belts must be replaced regularly
As what the tips to do maintenance on car engine recommend us, that after running along 60,000 miles, car owner should replace the serpentine belts. If you once ignore it, there will be possible damage to other parts.

8.       Make sure about the cooling system
To surprise you, the cooling system in the car may cause the serious damage of the car. It is said to be so, since the car carry the big loads of high-pressure fluids.

9.       Ensure the brakes checked
The majority cause of accidents on the road is due to brakes left unchecked. Just check it regularly to increase the safety riding of yourself and other drivers.

10.   Do not leave the car uncovered
When you park your own car outside, tips to do maintenance on car engine reminds you to keep the car covered with its own cover. It is important to do so, since it helps you to keep the paint stays longer.

There are many tips to do maintenance on car engine that keep your car run properly. As you do those tips, your car will stay longer and you can go driving without worries. Stay alert of your engine!.
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