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Some people with the brand new
car should take consideration on doing maintenance regularly in attempt to
avoid the possible technical problems as well as to save the money. But, not
all people realize about it and they tend not to deal with the frequent ignored
car maintenances so that at the end of the day, they lose million dollars and
spend much time for merely car maintenances.
In line with it, below we provide
you with frequent neglected car maintenances that you need to consider.
a good attention to “check engine” light
It is no
longer issues anymore that ignoring check engine light may lead you to the
serious mistakes and get you to spend million bucks to deal with. In this
regard, the one of frequent ignored car maintenances has been acknowledged by
all the mechanics. As you neglect it, your gas mileage will decrease by 40% and
it may lead to spark plug damage.
not forget to change the oil
Many people
commit that out of million frequent ignored car maintenances, skipping the oil
change is frequently committed, so that there will be serious damage on the
engine. Just follow the car manufacturer on which the time you have to change
the oil. If the problem deals with it, your car warranty will be invalidated.
So, do not be so stingy to change the oil since it will cost less than repair
all the engine.
not skip the tire pressure
All drivers
should learn how to check the tire pressure, since less or more pressure may
lead to blowout and accident. Thus, this frequent ignored car maintenances will
remind you to check your manual book in which it states about the time to check
air pressure and to change oil. If you keep your tire has less pressure, your
car might burn more fuel.
other fluid needed by the car
It all
refers to the manual books that tell you when to change the oil and other
fluids such as the coolant and the brake transmission. One of these frequent
ignored car maintenances should be remembered unless you will spend extra money
when your car broken down. To save your money, just obtain the coupons for
saving more money.
not miss the tire rotation
mechanics say that if you commit the frequent ignored car maintenances such as
inspecting car rotation, there will be a possibility of decreasing the life of
the tire treads. If you let it go as it is, you may encounter a problem in
dealing with flat tire or accident. So, make sure to have your mechanic rotate
the tire for safety reasons.
frequent ignored car maintenances have been committed by all the drivers and
many of them regret and always give the more attention on car’s condition.
People always check their car regularly and see the mechanic if it is
necessary. So, have you done it?
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