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How to Drive Safely on Road

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How to drive safely on road?

Million campaigns have been done throughout decades in dealing with the safety driving and this greatly impacts to the lower case of road accidents during 2008. It is stated that in US, the number of accident was recorded 6 million accidents that lead to 37,000 deaths of people aged around 34 years old. This problem should raise the people awareness on how to drive safely on road. To deal with it, below are some tips on how to drive safely on road.

1.       Do not drink liquor before driving
As recorded by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration or NHTSA, the major cause of car accident in US is driving under the alcohol impairment and this led to the 11,773 deaths during 2008. What you have to do as what how to drive safely on road suggests is to avoid drinking before driving so that you will be able to focus on road. When someone is under alcohol impairment, s/he will experience the double or blurred vision, lower mental coordination that may lead the driver to commit uncontrollable deeds when riding.

2.       Do not speed up
When you accelerate your car in every mile per hour, the likely of having road accidents is increased by 4 – 5%. Without wishing to ignore the tips on how to drive safely on road, people who speed up while driving in US may experience fatal crashes and it was recorded in 2008 with 11,674 deaths with economic loss reaches around $40.4 billion. To deal with it, just leave earlier and drive around 10 mph as you across the town.

3.       Do not texting or making a call
US government has issued the policy on prohibition on using the cell phone while driving since it increases the number of car accident by 2,600 deaths as NHTSA recorded. It is said that such activity may lead to distraction and low focus on driving so that you have to consider of keeping your eyes widely open while you are driving. Follow these tips on how to drive safely on road unless you will experience the road accidents.

4.       Do not drive while you are drowsy
Quoted from the study carried out by the researches at Virginia Tech, it is reported that another major cause of road accident is due to sleepiness and it contributes around 20%. If you yawn for many times or feel drowsy, it may increase the possibility of having car accident. So, tips on how to drive safely on road remind you to have enough rest so that you can focus on driving during long or short journey.

There are numerous causes of car accident on the road in every day and it is mostly caused by human error. That is the reason why you have to understand about how to drive safely on road and avoid the possible cause that may lead to deadly accident. So, have you done such things while driving?

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